Programme outline of the G8 summit

Sun, 03.06.2007
Chancellor Angela Merkel has invited the heads of state and government of the G8 states to meet in Heiligendamm from 6 to 8 June. Here is an overview of the programme.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

11 a.m till 6 p.m.: Arrival of G8 heads of state and government
7.10 p.m.:  Reception and informal dinner for the G8 heads of state and government and their partners

Thursday 7 June 2007

9.30 a.m.: Official welcome of the G8 heads of state and government
10.00 a.m.: Working session of G8 heads of state and government

                  Growth and responsabilty in the global economy / "Heiligendamm process"
Noon:          Family photo of G8 heads of state and government
12.15 p.m.: Meeting of G8 heads of state and government with young people from the J8 summit
1.15 p.m.: Working luncheon of G8 heads of state and government
                  Current foreign policy issues
2.30 p.m.: Opportunity for bilaterals
4.00 p.m.: Working session of G8 heads of state and government
                  Climate change and energy efficency
7.30 p.m.: Working dinner of G8 heads of state and government
                  New impetus for the Doha Development Round 
9.30 p.m.: Digestif and opportunity for bilaterals

Friday 8 June 2007

9.00 a.m.: Working session of G8 heads of state and government with heads of state and
                government of Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Ethiopia and
                Ghana as well as the Chairman of the Commission of the African Union and
                the Secretary General of the UN. 
                Growth and responsability for Africa:
                Peace and security, G8 Africa reform partnership,
                improvement for public health systems

Followed by: Family photo of G8 heads of state and government with Africa outreach representatives 
10.45 a.m.: Working session of G8 heads of state and government with heads of state and
                  government of Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa
                 Growth and responsability in the global economy / "Heiligendamm Process"
                 climate change
Followed by: Family photo of G8 heads of state and government with with heads of state and
                  government of Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa
Followed by: Family photo of G8 heads of state and government with all present heads of state and
1.00 p.m.: Working luncheon of G8 heads of state and government with heads of state and
                 government as well as the Secretary General of the UN, the Secretary General
                 of the OECD, the Vice President of the World Bank, the Director of the IMF,
                 the Executiv Director of the IEA and the General Director of the WTO
                Growth and responsability in the global economy / "Heiligendamm Process"
New impetus for the Doha Development Round 
3.00 p.m.: Press conference held by the German G8 presidency
Followed by an opportunity to hold national press conferences